Device Loan

Maine CITE maintains a comprehensive list of AT devices available for loan through AT devices may be borrowed for FREE for up to 30 days. The loan period provides time to try the AT device in your work, school, or home setting.

AT device loans are available to all Maine residents with disabilities, their family members, and the professionals that support them. Devices can be borrowed to help make a decision, serve as a loaner during repairs to their own device, to help during a temporary situation, or to support professional development. Visit to view the AT device inventory. If you find a device or tool that fits your needs, create an account and make the request through AT4Maine.  Maine CITE or one of our partners will reach out to finalize your request.

AT4Maine and AT device loan FAQs:

AT device loans are available to all Maine residents with disabilities, their family members, and the professionals who support them. If you live in another U.S. state or territory, you can find your local AT Act Program by visiting the AT3 Center at

An account is not needed to view our inventory, however, if you want to borrow devices, you must create an account.
  1. Go to
  2. On the home page, in the upper left hand side of the screen, click on “Login or Create Account”.
  3. This opens the “LOG IN TO AT4ALL” page. On the lower half of the page, click on “Select to Create an Account”.
  4. This opens the “Request New Account” page. Complete the form with your personal information. Required entries are marked with a red asterisk (*).
    1. Personal Information (First name, Last name, Address, City, State, Zip code, Phone number).
    2. Login Information (email address and create a password). Passwords must be no less than six characters and must contain at least one alpha character and one numeric character.
    3. Account Information (identify your status or reason for using AT4Maine, how did you learn about it, and provide alternate email)
    4. New Account Agreement Terms. Review and click “I Agree to these terms” if you want to borrow items.
    5. When you have entered all the required information, click the “Create Account” button to create a new account.
    6. An email will be sent to the email address you provided to confirm your identity. YOU MUST go to your email, open the message and select the link provided to confirm your email address.
  5. Once you have an account, go to to browse the library.

You can browse the AT4Maine Lending Library without creating an account. If you want to borrow an AT device, you need to Create An Account, or enter your Login information (email and password).
  1. Go to the AT4Maine Lending Library,
  2. In the search bar along the top of the page, enter a keyword or phrase to search.
  3. Or you can Find items by Category. There are 10 icons for categories: Computers and Related; Daily Living; Environmental Adaptations; Hearing; Learning Cognition and Developmental; Mobility, Seating, and Positioning; Recreation, Sports and Leisure; Speech Communications, Vehicle Modifications and Transportation; and Vision.
  4. Troubleshooting:
    1. If you use the search bar at the top of the page and don’t find what you are looking for, make sure to “Clear search results” before trying again.
    2. Check to see that the filter boxes for Category, Program and Transaction Types are correct. If you enter a zip code, items at the program closest to you will appear first in the list.
    3. To avoid going back to the beginning of the search list, you can right click and open the item in a new tab. This allows you to not lose your place when searching for a device.
  5. If you have difficulty or have questions about devices, please contact Maine CITE or any of our program partners. Find our contact info under Participating Programs in the menu on the left of the AT4Maine home page:

An individual can have no more than 5 devices signed out at a time. If more than 5 devices are requested, we will contact you to identify which items you want to borrow first. Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

When you find the item(s) that will work for you:
  1. Select “Add to Cart”. We request you only borrow up to 5 items at a time.
  2. When you have all the items in your cart, select the cart icon in the upper right hand of the screen.
  3. A drop down menu lists all the items in your cart.
    1. If you decide not to borrow an item, you can select “Remove Item”.
    2. When you are ready to borrow items, select “Checkout”.
  4. The “Checkout” page shows which partner program will be processing your request for each AT device.
    1. Provide the primary purpose for requesting each device.
    2. In the “Comments/Shipping Instructions” section, write if you will be picking the device up, or you can request the item to be mailed to you.
    3. Select “Continue”.
    4. On the Checkout page,, review your requested items, and click “Process Cart”. If you want to change what is in your cart, navigate back to the previous screen and make adjustments.
  5. A confirmation message pops up on your screen as well as a list of the loan items and which program will be processing your loan.
  6. Next steps:
    1. The partner program will reach out to you to let you know the request has been received and will finalize delivery details.
    2. A loan agreement form will be sent to you to sign and return before the devices are ready to be picked up or shipped.

No; AT4Maine is a free service.

It is easiest if you can pick up the AT devices directly from the partner program, but we realize Maine is a large state and that is not always possible. We make efforts to either mail items or transport them to a more convenient location when possible. If the device cannot be shipped due to size, weight, cost, fragility, etc., arrangements will have to be made to pick up the items. Feel free to contact us to see how we can help with arrangements.

If no one is waiting for the device, the loan can be extended for ONE additional loan period of 30 days. The device must be returned after the extension.

Return the device the same way you received it, either in person, or mail it back to us. Be sure to return all of the peripheral items and re-pack it safely.

While searching for funding is a challenging task, our Paying for AT page is designed to help you find financial resources.

Visit to view the statewide inventory.