
Training is an integral part of the Maine CITE’s mission. Training activities range from face-to-face conference and smaller group presentations to on-line training webinars. Please note: If you need an in-depth demonstration of any of the Assistive Technology (AT) shown in these webinars, please consult our AT Demonstration partners to arrange for a personal demonstration.

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Webinar Archives

The following training materials have been produced by Maine CITE and are archived here. NOTE: Certificates of Attendance are not available for archived events.

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating Documents Using Built-in Features

Recorded: February 5, 2025 – Creating a quality document involves more than typing the right words. We format our documents to make them easier to read and more appealing to the eye. We often see an extra space between paragraphs to create a clear break. Or we may move a section to the next page so a sentence or two is not hanging out alone. The ‘Tab’ key is also used to move text around the page. Formatting documents this way can create challenges if you need to edit the document.

Presenter: Jessi Wright, Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating Documents Using Built-in Features

Creating Accessible Online Content

Recorded: January 22, 2025 – Join us for Part 3 in the Creating Accessible Content webinar series.  We will share tips for making social media posts accessible to everyone. We will also talk about the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). 

Accessible digital content is designed so a wide range of people and abilities can use your information. This includes people with learning, physical, and vision limitations. More than 70% of Americans use social media to get news and information, stay connected with friends, or for fun. This webinar will present best practices for creating accessible content for social media posts, images, and videos. 

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Creating Accessible Online Content

Universal Design for Learning: Classroom Tips

Recorded: January 14, 2025 – Join us for this webinar, where we will discuss some ways to create accessible spaces for all learners. UDL practices help students feel connected, pay attention, and have fun. 

We will look at strategies to grab kids’ attention for reading, writing, math and testing. Learn about  assistive technology devices that can help in all classrooms to promote learning and social interaction. Get practical tips for creating a more inclusive learning environment for everyone! 

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Universal Design for Learning: Classroom Tips

Creating Accessible Digital Content and Presentations (Part 2)

Recorded: December 11, 2024: Accessible digital content means the content is designed in a way that it can be used by a wide range of people. This includes people with disabilities such as learning, physical, and vision limitations. Everyone can get the information they need if it is accessible.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Creating Accessible Digital Content and Presentations (Part 2)

Creating Accessible Documents – The Basics (Part 1)

Recorded: November 20, 2024: Creating a quality document involves more than typing the right words. If we want information to reach the widest range of people, then the content must be accessible. Creating accessible documents is important for more than people with visual impairments, it impacts people from all walks of life. People with physical limitations, learning disabilities and even people without disabilities benefit from accessible content. Prioritizing accessibility is essential not only for individuals, but also for businesses and society.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Creating Accessible Documents – The Basics (Part 1)

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating Documents Using Built-In Features

Recorded: November 13, 2024: Creating a quality document involves more than typing the right words. We format our documents to make them easier to read and more appealing to the eye. We often see an extra space between paragraphs to create a clear break. Or we may move a section to the next page so a sentence or two is not hanging out alone. The ‘Tab’ key is also used to move text around the page. Formatting documents this way can create challenges if you need to edit the document.

Presenter: Jessi Wright, Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating Documents Using Built-In Features

AI in Therapy Practice

Recorded: October 23, 2024 – In this webinar, we welcome Mary and Kayla, occupational therapists at Gallant Therapy Services, to talk about a new artificial intelligence tool they are using called Korro AI. This technology helps them plan exciting activities that automatically adjust to provide the “just-right challenge” for each client. It measures results and generates parent reports and clinical reports for therapists. Find out how this technology can make providing therapy more efficient, so OTs can care for more children in need of therapy!

Presenters: Mary Miller, COTA/L and Kayla Paradis, MOT, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: AI in Therapy Practice

Accessible Voting

Recorded: October 1, 2024 – Are you voting in the General Election but you are unsure if the process will be accessible to you? Attend this webinar presented by Disability Rights Maine staff to learn about accessibility in the voting process. You have the right to vote privately and independently! You will leave this webinar empowered with the knowledge to successfully cast your ballot on November 5, 2024.

Presenter: Molly Thompson, Voting Access Advocate at Disability Rights Maine (DRM)

Use this link to view the webinar: Accessible Voting

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Recorded: September 25, 2024 – Have you ever seen a guide dog in action before? Are you curious about what their job truly entails? What is the importance of teamwork between guide dog and handler? Please join Melissa Carney, Community Outreach and Graduate Support Manager at Guiding Eyes for the Blind for an informative discussion on the tasks guide dogs are trained to perform, responsibilities of working with and caring for a guide dog, and the puzzle pieces that make up a successful partnership between an individual who is blind and their four-legged sidekick. We will also discuss a guide dog handler’s rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), common access issues, appropriate interactions with a working team, and best practices for inclusivity in your community.

Presenter: Melissa Carney, Community Outreach and Graduate Support Manager at Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Use this link to view the webinar: Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Creating Accessible Content

Recorded: September 17, 2024 – Creating accessible content is important for many reasons beyond the possible legal requirements, the information you are sharing can reach more people and it ensures readers do not miss critical information. When content is fully accessible, it benefits people with vision impairments, learning disabilities, color blindness, and many others. Accessibility is important for individuals, businesses, and society.

This webinar will discuss the principles of creating accessible content that can be applied to print or digital material, including video, audio, and social media. The presenter will walk you through the steps of creating accessible content using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint on a MacBook Pro. The concepts presented will also carry over to other platforms.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Creating Accessible Content

Getting Into the Driver’s Seat 2024: Driver Assessment Services in Maine

Recorded: September 4, 2024 – Living in Maine, we recognize the importance of having the ability to drive as it increases independence and gives people more freedom. For people with disabilities of all ages (adolescents, adults and seniors) driving can present many challenges.

In this webinar participants learn about the importance of driving for a person with a disability, the adaptive driving evaluation process, adaptive/assistive technology options, and information on installation and funding.

Presenters: Ketra Crosson, OTR/L and Heather Shields, OTR/L, CDRS

Use this link to view the webinar: Getting Into the Driver’s Seat 2024: Driver Assessment Services in Maine

Keeping Cool and Hydrated in Extreme Heat

Recorded: August 20, 2024 – The Earth is heating up, and making it more challenging to keep our bodies cool. Overheating is dangerous for anyone, but more so for those with disabilities and advanced age. In this webinar, we will look at low- and high-tech methods for keeping cool and hydrated in hot weather.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Keeping Cool and Hydrated in Extreme Heat

AT and Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Finding Balance in the Chaos

Recorded: July 31, 2024 – Neurodiversity is a word we are hearing more often. It describes differences in the way people’s brains work. People who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, and autism are considered neurodiverse, but other diagnoses can also fall under this category. People who are neurodiverse can be a wonderful addition to a work team. They are often out-of-the-box thinkers and can contribute different perspectives. 

As workplaces try to be more inclusive, it is important to understand and help employees with different ways of thinking. This presentation covers tips and best practices for creating a welcoming workplace for everyone, no matter how their brain works. 

Presenter: Jessi Wright, Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: AT and Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Finding Balance in Chaos

Do Not Throw That Out! A Guide to Medical Equipment Reuse in Maine

Recorded: June 18, 2024 – Do you have a walker or a tub seat you are no longer using? Do you need a home medical device that you cannot find or afford? Durable medical equipment (DME) reuse provides medical equipment second-hand to create less waste and make needed devices available to more people. In this webinar, we will learn what durable medical equipment is; how people acquire new and used equipment; and what resources in Maine offer equipment reuse programs.

Presenter: Darren J. Smart, MOT, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Do Not Throw That Out! A Guide to Medical Equipment Reuse in Maine

Creating Accessible Content

Recorded: June 5, 2024 – Creating accessible content is important for many reasons beyond the possible legal requirements. It helps you reach more people and ensures readers do not miss critical information. When content is fully accessible, it benefits people with vision impairments, learning disabilities, color blindness, and many others. Accessibility is important for individuals, businesses, and society.

This webinar will discuss the principles of creating accessible content for print or digital material, including video, audio, and social media. The presenter will walk you through creating accessible content using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint on a PC. The concepts presented can also be applied to other platforms.

Presenter: Jessi Wright, Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Creating Accessible Content

Empowering Independence: Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology and Seating and Mobility Systems

Recorded: May 20, 2024 – Would you like to gain a basic understanding of occupational therapy, assistive technology and seating and mobility systems? If so, this is the webinar for you! This presentation will provide a brief overview of occupational therapy, assistive technology and seating and mobility systems. Presenters will share a general overview of what occupational therapy is and where occupational therapists may work. We will also discuss the types of challenge areas occupational therapists may address to assist all in being able to live life to the fullest! This presentation will also include a general overview of assistive technology equipment and tools in the different areas of daily living. Assistive technology can be used across all daily activities, including in the areas of self-care, home management, education, employment, leisure and more! We also will share a general overview of what is available for seating and mobility systems, seating components, what a seating and mobility system assessment may involve as well as lower technology and higher technology mobility supports. 

Alyssa MacDonald, MOT, OTR/L
Ashley Jenkins, OTD, OTR/L
Darren J. Smart, MOT, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Empowering Independence: Occupational Therapy, Assistive Technology and Seating and Mobility Systems 

Autism and Strategies

Recorded: April 17, 2024 – Would you like to gain a basic understanding of Autism? Are you interested in learning strategies for interacting with individuals on the spectrum? This one-hour webinar is for parents, educators, caregivers, or anyone who is seeking a basic understanding of autism. 

You will also walk away with practical strategies to use when interacting with people on the spectrum. The session is divided into two modules: the first will provide foundational knowledge of autism, diagnosis and general strategies.  The second module dives deeper into specific strategies related to creating a supportive environment, managing sensory input, and fostering communication.

Presenter: Cathy E. Dionne, Executive Director for Autism Society of Maine

Use this link to view the webinar: Autism and Strategies

Unlock the Power of your iPhone – Assistive Technology in Your Pocket

Recorded: April 10, 2024 – This webinar will cover several built-in apps, found on Apple phones, that can help you:

  • Minimize distractions and boost focus while working on tasks.
  • Simplify daily activities for greater independence.
  • Enhance communication and learning skills.
  • Save time.

Join us to learn how to save time and be more productive by using Focus, Notifications, Reminders, Calendar, Contacts and Maps. These all work together to make life a little easier. We will show you some new accessibility features in iOS 17.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Unlock the Power of Your iPhone – Assistive Technology in Your Pocket

Creating Accessible Content

Recorded: March 27, 2024 – Creating accessible content is important for many reasons beyond the possible legal requirements, the information you are sharing can reach more people and it ensures readers do not miss critical information. When content is fully accessible, it benefits people with vision impairments, learning disabilities, color blindness, and many others. Accessibility is important for individuals, businesses, and society.

This webinar will discuss the principles of creating accessible content that can be applied to print or digital material, including video, audio, and social media. The presenter will walk you through the steps of creating accessible content using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint on a MacBook Pro. The concepts presented will also carry over to other platforms.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Creating Accessible Content

What to Look for in a Summer Camp (Through the Disability Lens)

Recorded: March 12, 2024 – Finding summer camps and activities for children and adults with disabilities can be difficult. In this webinar, we will dive into several Maine camp listings. Our focus will be on camps listed under the “Special Needs” category. We will shine a spotlight on two camps specifically designed for kids with disabilities. We will also provide insights into other camps for kids and adults that make necessary accommodations, and take a look at some camps that specialize in teaching specific skills for our exceptional learners.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: What to Look for in a Summer Camp, (through the disability lens)

Low-Tech and High-Tech AT for Vision Loss

Recorded: February 29, 2024 – Join us as we take a deeper dive into the world of assistive technology to support people with blindness or low vision. Experience live demonstrations of devices we have chosen from our lending program. We will show you simple solutions like the PenFriend and Talking Wand, and some high-tech devices like Braille displays and video magnifiers. 

We will explain how to use our library to find and sign out devices. Often, there is more than one device that fits your needs, and our free lending program lets you test them out before making final decisions.  

Presenter: Sharisse Roberts, Rehabilitation Consultant

Use this link to view the webinar: Low-tech and High-tech AT for Vision Loss

Using Smartphones to Support Daily Living After a Brain Injury

Recorded: February 7, 2024 – Your smartphone is not just a device; it is your partner in navigating post-brain injury challenges. By using the built-in features and apps it can be more accessible, reduce distractions, track activities and improve your day-to-day life. In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Reduce distractions using Focus features, 
  • Manage and track medications, 
  • Use voice controls to navigate the phone,  
  • Adjust font size and contrast, and
  • Have text read aloud to increase understanding.

Presenter: Michelle Ranae Wild, AT Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Using Smartphones to Support Daily Living After a Brain Injury

Adapted Toys and Activities: The Holiday Gift Edition

Recorded: November 14, 2023 – The holidays are around the corner and stores are sending out flyers showcasing the hottest toys. It is an overwhelming time for any parent. For the parents of kids with disabilities this time of year can be even more challenging. Finding toys and activities for kids with physical and cognitive disabilities often requires shopping online for adapted items. These options are limited and often costly. It is also difficult to find age-appropriate adapted toys.

This webinar will highlight a variety of adapted toys for a wide range of ages and abilities. Participants will learn about resources for accessing and/or purchasing adapted toys, resources for adapting toys on your own, and ideas on how to make off the shelf toys user friendly.

Presenter: Jessi Wright, Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Adapted Toys and Activities: The Holiday Gift Edition

Assistive Technology for Mental Health

Recorded: November 1, 2023 – Ignoring the impacts of mental health challenges can have devastating consequences. Rates of suicide are up in our population, and feelings of isolation and loneliness shot up during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We know that connection matters, and that connection can take many forms. How can AT serve as a bridge to support the management of mental health? How can you build your own AT toolkit to support not only your own mental health, but the mental health of others? Participants will walk away with a toolkit they can easily implement for themselves, their learners, or for someone they love.

Presenter: Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles, Ph,D. ATP

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology for Mental Health

Medication Management Systems

Recorded: October 12, 2023 – Managing medications can be hard. Many adults take five or more medications for different reasons. This presentation will look at ways to make managing medications easier and safer. This will also include options for ways to organize medications. We will look at how to safely store medications. We will also look at medication refill options and how to safely throw away medication. Participants will gain a better understanding of the ins and outs of safe and simple medication management. 

Presenters: Alyssa MacDonald, MOT, OTR/L and Ashlynne Everett, MOT, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Medication Management Systems

How Assistive Technology Can Support People With Blindness or Low Vision

Recorded: October 5, 2023 – There is a lot of misunderstanding regarding vision loss, visual impairments and blindness. As we continue to educate society, more and more people are becoming more knowledgeable about the spectrum of vision loss and the ways someone with a visual impairment can maintain their independence through Maine’s Division for the Blind and Visual Impairment (DBVI) services.

Presenter: Sharisse Roberts, Rehabilitation Consultant

Use this link to view the webinar: How Assistive Technology Can Support People with Blindness or Low Vision

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Methods for Home & Community

Recorded: September 6, 2023 – Too often families and caregivers struggle with how to carry over augmentative communication with their child/adult in the home or community.  Taking it outside of the therapeutic environment can seem challenging, and at times, overwhelming.  This session will discuss strategies and resources to do just this.  Making communication natural, fun, and functional helps motivate both the augmentative communication user and the people that are supporting them, ultimately helping to make their communication more purposeful, meaningful, independent, and effective.

Presenter: Linda Bonnar, M.A., CCC-SLP/ATP

Use this link to view the webinar: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Methods for Home & Community

Assistive Technology for Dementia

Recorded: August 29, 2023 – An estimated 17% of Mainers over 65 years old have dementia. This webinar will discuss low and high tech assistive technology devices to promote safety and independence for people with dementia. Technology areas covered will include monitoring and surveillance, smart home technology, medication management, orientation aids, daily living aids, and communication. We will also discuss possible ethical concerns with technology use and hidden costs. Participants will leave this webinar with a broad understanding of the types of assistive technology available as well as knowledge of some specific items that support safety and independence for this population. This training is designed for anyone working with or caring for people with dementia.

Kristin Desrochers, OTR/L
Vic Schalk, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology for Dementia

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating Documents Using Built-In Features

Recorded: August 15, 2023 – Creating a quality document involves more than typing the right words. We format our documents to make them easier to read and more appealing to the eye. We often see an extra space between paragraphs to create a clear break. Or we may move a section to the next page so a sentence or two is not hanging out alone. The ‘Tab’ key is also used to move text around the page. Formatting documents this way can create challenges if you need to edit the document.

Word processing programs have built-in features to create seamless formatting. This webinar will walk you through these features and explain how they make document creation and editing easier, saving time and limiting frustrations. For this session we will be showing the features in Microsoft Word, but they are in most word processing programs.

Join us and learn how to work smarter, not harder!

Presenter: Jessi Wright, Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Creating Documents Using Built-In Features

Assistive Technology Assessment Basics: Environment and Augmentative/Alternative Communication

Recorded: August 9, 2023 – This webinar will provide basic assessment tools to help you select assistive technology (AT) for your user (student, client, family member). Assessments for the AT user’s environment, barriers to access and participation, as well as the essentials for augmentative and alternative communication will be covered. A useful checklist with a variety of sample devices in different areas will be shared. Participants will walk away from the webinar with the tools to begin an AT assessment right away!

Presenter: Brianna Grumstrup, Ph.D.

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology Assessment Basics: Environment and Augmentative/Alternative Communication

Over the Counter vs Prescription Hearing Aids

Recorded: July 26, 2023 – It is estimated that 15% of American adults have hearing loss or difficulty hearing. People living with hearing difficulties often feel isolated and left out of important conversations. They can also feel fatigued from the effort of communicating with others and engaging in their environment. To overcome these difficulties assistive devices or even amplification may be needed. Traditionally amplification has been prescriptive hearing aids fit by an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. Recently over-the-counter devices have been approved to create more options for people with hearing loss. However, it is difficult to know what kind of amplification is appropriate (prescriptive or over the counter). Dr. Franklin, an audiologist from Pine Tree Society, plans to present the definition of over-the-counter devices, how they are different from prescriptive hearing aids, and making the appropriate choice.

Presenter: Ayris Franklin, AuD, CCC-A, F-AAA

Use this link to view the webinar: Over the Counter vs Prescription Hearing Aids

Sexual education, intimacy and disability

Recorded: June 27, 2023 – People with new or existing disabilities often have difficulty accessing sexual health information, and may require adaptive means to participate in this part of life. This topic crosses the lifespan from education in schools to our aging communities. For example, sex education is provided in Maine schools to empower students to develop healthy, fulfilling relationships, regardless of their intellectual, behavioral and physical abilities. 

This webinar introduces teachers, therapists, caregivers and those with disabilities to resources that can help everyone approach this delicate topic.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Sexual Education, Intimacy and Disability

Accessible Sports and Recreation: Summer Edition

Recorded: May 23, 2023 – This is our second webinar on adaptive sports and recreation, just in time for summer fun! We will introduce you to many Maine adaptive sports programs, and some information about summer camps. We’ll look at ways anyone can enjoy boating, water sports, fishing, biking, scenic trails and more. This webinar is designed for consumers of all ages and their caregivers, and anyone who is interested.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Accessible Sports & Recreation: Summer Edition

Paying for adaptive equipment

Recorded: May 9, 2023 – Wondering how to fund the purchase of an adaptive vehicle, a ramp, or a piece of equipment denied by insurance? Join us for an overview of Maine’s Kim Wallace Adaptive Equipment Loan Program (AELP), which offers low interest financing that increases the purchasing power of people with disabilities in Maine. AELP funds can be used to purchase a range of items including adaptive equipment, assistive technology, and home modifications. This webinar will provide an overview of the program, the application process, and frequently asked questions. We will also briefly review other financial resources that might be helpful to use in conjunction with AELP.

Henry Powell, OTR/L
Vic Schalk, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Paying for Adaptive Equipment

What’s New at Maine CITE & AT4Maine?

Recorded: April 25, 2023 – Maine CITE helps people with disabilities explore tools and technology they need to be independent. We use a partnership network to provide services to Maine residents of all ages and abilities. This webinar will provide you with an overview of the services provided by Maine CITE and our partners. We will also review the AT4Maine device loan library program and how to access devices for short-term loans.

Presenter: Jessi Wright – Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: What’s New At Maine CITE & AT4Maine?


Recorded: March 15, 2023 – Since the pandemic it has become common to work from home, or to travel between the office and a home office. Whether you work for long hours at a desk or a kitchen table, it is important to know how to set up the workspace to fit your work needs and your body’s ability.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Does Your Computer Workstation Fit You?

Access to the Home

Recorded: March 1, 2023 – Traditionally when we chose our home and community, we are younger and don’t think about access until some life event forces a reevaluation. The odds are that a disability, even if temporary, will impact all of us at some point in our lives. The older homes in Maine are not adequate to meet the growing need for affordability, accessibility, and social connectivity for Mainers. Accessible features in any home should be viewed as standard residential elements and need to be part of the conversation for a sustainable home.


  • Jill S. Johanning, AIA
  • Vic Schalk, OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Access to the Home

An Intro and Progression of Switch Access

Recorded: February 7, 2023 – Switch access is the use of one or more switches to operate computers and other devices. They are primarily used by people with physical or cognitive disabilities. Switch access can open the door to communication, play, computer use, and many other areas of life. There are also many activities of daily living that can be performed using switches. Switches can increase independence or provide access to an activity for the first time.

Presenter: Jessi Wright – Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: An Intro and Progression of Switch Access

AT for Adaptive Sports and Recreation

Accessible lift moving woman into swimming poolRecorded: January 25, 2023 – Did you know that there is adaptive equipment for almost any sport? This webinar will give an overview of adaptive sports and recreation programs in Maine, and we will look at some high- and low-tech sporting devices. We will also talk with two people who will share the ways that assistive technology (AT) has enriched their sporting lives.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: AT for Adaptive Sports and Recreation

Slips, Trips and Falls

Recorded: January 17, 2023 – A slip, trip, or fall at any age can impact a person’s health and wellness, in fact, national statistics show that falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for older people.  Falls can impact your independence and often have an associated financial cost. Slips, trips, and falls are preventable. There are ways to change your surroundings and assistive technology (AT) devices to reduce the possibility of falls.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson – Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Slips, Trips and Falls

AT Devices for All Bodies

Recorded: December 13, 2022 – This webinar will cover mobility equipment and AT (assistive technology) devices that are used by people whose bodies do not fall in the average range for height or weight. Many environments do not accommodate all people, and some of us rely on technology to achieve independence on a daily basis, or to rehabilitate after illness or injury.

We will look at “bariatric” AT for those who are seriously overweight, devices and accommodations for Little People, and modifications and gadgets that work for people who are very tall. Consideration will be given to the user’s or their caregiver’s safety, and some ideas for resources.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: AT Devices for All Bodies

Emergency Preparedness for AT Users

Recorded: November 30, 2022 – Stuff Happens: Are you ready?

Emergency preparedness is something everyone needs to think about. For people with disabilities it is even more important to think ahead and prepare. For assistive technology (AT) users it can be even more important and challenging. AT devices can be essential to a person’s daily functioning so AT users should plan ahead to make sure they will have access to their essential technologies in the event of an emergency.

Jessi Wright – Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Emergency Preparedness for AT Users

Home For The Holidays: The AT user guide

Recorded: November 9, 2022 – During the holiday season many people welcome family and friends into their homes for food, fun and festivities. Preparing for visitors may involve more than planning a menu. To make everyone as welcome and comfortable as possible, consider the accessibility needs of the guests. Do they have difficulty getting around? Does arthritis (or other barriers) limit their grip strength? Assistive technology can make a home accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Presenter: Jessi Wright – Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Home For The Holidays: The AT user guide

Accessibility Basics for the Mac OS

Recorded: October 25, 2022 – Are you a Mac user who needs an overview of the built-in accessibility features? The Mac Operating System (OS) supports vision, hearing, and physical motor needs, and improves access for anyone! Join this webinar to learn how to unlock any user’s potential for increased accessibility.

Presenter: Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist

Use this link to view the webinar: Accessibility Basics for the Mac OS

Wheelchairs 101

Manual WheelchairRecorded: October 19, 2022 – This seminar is designed to provide an overview of different types of wheelchairs, what they are good for, who might use them, and how to maintain them on a basic level. Perhaps you use a manual wheelchair that was purchased online, is used or borrowed, or you work at an equipment loan program. Perhaps you work in healthcare or case management and want to know more about your clients’ needs.  Do you have a power scooter and are in need of an upgrade? This webinar will provide information to lead you to resources and next steps.

Presenter: Melissa Bliss, MS OTR/L

Use this link to view the webinar: Wheelchairs 101

Webinar: Alternative Access for Communication (AAC) Series

A child learns to communicate using visual symbolsRecorded: May 11, 2022 and May 25, 2022 – Communication is essential to a person’s quality of life. Everyone should have the ability to say what they want or need. This is important for daily life and safety. When a person cannot communicate, we often see challenging behaviors. These behaviors are also a form of communication.

There are many ways to communicate. These can include our voice, hands, body language and communication devices. Pointing to an item you want is a form of communication.

In this webinar series we will discuss:

  • The different types of communication
  • Assessing where to begin working on communication
  • Implementing communication
  • Low-tech communication options
  • High-tech communication options

Presenter: Jessi Wright – Maine CITE, Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Introduction to Communication and Assessment

Use this link to view the webinar: Implementing Alternative Access Communication (AAC)

Webinar: Transition Across the Lifespan: Adding transition to assistive technology consideration

Four people each hold a puzzle piece joined together to create a complete circle.Recorded: March 31, 2022 – Transition is typically used to reference the time a student leaves school and enters higher education or employment. It is also used when discussing ageing in place and the transition between home and residential care facilities. While these are two important transitions in a person’s life, they are not the only transitions. In fact, transitions occur throughout our day and throughout our life. For a person using assistive technology more thought must go into transition planning to ensure a successful transition.

In this webinar we will discuss how and where assistive technology fits into the transition planning process. We will also talk about successful transition practices and pitfalls. Finally, we will highlight assistive technology tools that are low cost, low tech, and/or readily available to the public.

Presenter: Jessi Wright – Maine CITE Director

Use this link to view the webinar: Transition Across the Lifespan: Adding transition to assistive technology consideration

Assistive Technology for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism AwarenessRecorded: January 25, 2022 – Autism looks different in every diagnosed individual and there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions to overcome the challenges that can come with the diagnosis. A wide variety of technology is available to increase independence and assist individuals in achieving a higher quality of life. The problems many people face is knowing what tools are available and choosing the correct technology or tools to meet the needs of the individual.

In this webinar we provide an overview of assistive technology (AT) devices and services that can be used to overcome challenges in communication, socialization, sensory processing and other areas to increase independence. We will discuss how to select appropriate AT and resources to assist you in this process.


  • Jessi Wright – Director of Maine CITE

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Webinar: Assistive Technology for Hearing Loss

Recorded: January 20, 2022 – Pocket Talker - assistive technologyAccording to recent statistics from the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communications Disorders, approximately 38 million, or 15% of all Americans have some hearing loss and it is estimated nearly 29 million American could benefit from the use of hearing aids.

In this webinar, participants will learn about the variety of assistive technologies that support persons with hearing loss including hearing aids. Accessibility features, various assistive telecommunications devices and free support services will also be discussed.


  • Debra Bare-Rogers, TRS/Outreach Advocate
  • Lisa Penney, TEP Advocate
  • Scott Murray, NDBEDP Advocate

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology for Hearing Loss

Webinar: Making Accessible Video

Closed Captioning logo

Recorded: October 6, 2021 – Whether it is pre-recorded video or a live Zoom Meeting, all video needs to be made accessible to everyone. During the COVID 19 pandemic, we have learned to depend on video resources for instruction, meetings, and gatherings with friends and family. Unfortunately, much of the content and many of these video materials are inaccessible to people with disabilities. In this session, we discuss how to make all video content and related materials accessible. Various free tools and resources will be shared and demonstrated.

Use this link to view the webinar: Making Accessible Video

Assistive Technology for Self-Regulation

Recorded: June 3, 2021 – Person engaged in video conferenceSelf-regulation is defined as an individual’s awareness of and ability to modify their social, emotional, and sensory processing functions. This impacts the overall behavior and level of participation across activities and environments unique to the individual. This webinar will look at how assistive technology (AT) can be used to facilitate and support self-regulation skills for individuals with a variety of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral concerns across the lifespan.

Presenter: Hannah Pullen

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology for Self-Regulation

Webinar: Assistive Technology for Brain Injury

Brain Injury AwarenessRecorded: March 25, 2021 – During this webinar we will explore available A.T. devices to improve safety and independence for those living with acquired and traumatic brain injury. The presenter will explore common challenges survivors of brain injury may face as well as low tech & high tech A.T. options for persons of varying abilities and needs across a variety of settings. A focus will also be given to Apps as A.T.

Presenter: Christine Martin

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology for Brain Injury

Webinar: Farming Smarter with Assistive Technology

Recorded: March 23, 2021 – Dusty FranklinThis presentation discusses the use of common assistive technologies within the farm setting.  This webinar will focus on how AT can be expanded for use in a farm setting, enabling a farmer to work smarter. A variety of assistive technology will be presented, discussing potential impacts on a farmer’s physical and mental health, as well as impacting their farm business productivity.

Presenters: Kelley Spencer

Use this link to view the webinar: Farming Smarter with Assistive Technology

Webinar: Assistive Technology Training – Basic Strategies to Maximize Success

Small CCTV used by person with low vision

Date: February 25, 2021 – Assistive Technology training is a crucial step of the A.T. process. This webinar will focus on basic principles and recommendations for A.T. training to maximize client success with use of A.T. devices. The principles and recommendations explored can be applied across a variety of client devices, populations and environments.

Presenter: Christine Martin

Use this link to view the webinar: Assistive Technology Training – Basic Strategies to Maximize Success

Webinar: Assistive Technology for Age-Friendly Communities

Recorded: December 2, 2020woman using digital magnifier – In recent years, AARP has promoted the development of Age Friendly Communities (AFC) to encourage local officials and citizens to implement changes that make their communities more livable for people of all ages, especially older adults. As the state with the largest percent of older adults in the country, the efforts in Maine are noteworthy.

Join us for a presentation on Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services in Maine. AT can be essential to making your home, community and public spaces accessible and impact the health, safety and independence of older adults who want to continue to live at home. The presenters will share a variety of AT devices, smart home tech and home modifications that help to make your home more age-friendly. AT Resources and information about paying for AT will also be explored.

Presenters: Ketra Crosson and John Brandt

Use this link to view the “Webinar: Assistive Technology for Age-Friendly Communities”

Webinar: Automating Independence: Make your Smart Home Smarter!

Smart home technologyRecorded: November 19, 2020 – Smart Home technology has made living independently easier for many people over the past few years. Being able to control your environment through smart speakers and smart phones has uncovered a new world of independence for so many people. However, through the use of sensors, button, schedules, and other smart home integrations we can make it even easier, almost to the point that your environment anticipates your needs as opposed to having to ask it to adjust all of the time. Join Ben Jacobs , Founder and CEO of RebelTech Consulting, as he shares information about how to set up various automations for existing smart home technologies to unlock the true power of the smart home.

Presenter: Ben Jacobs

Use this link to view “Webinar: Automating Independence: Make your Smart Home Smarter!…”

Webinar: Building Your Finances and Independence with ABLE Accounts

Recorded: July 30, 2020 – SavingsABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts for individuals with disabilities made available by the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014. An ABLE account grows tax-free, and balances up to $100,000 will not be countable for SSI eligibility. The asset limit is even higher for other means-tested public benefits like Medicaid.  Individual with disabilities now have the ability to save and build wealth, and friends and family members may also contribute.

This webinar provides an overview of how ABLE Act accounts work and how they can be used to purchase needed assistive technology not covered by other funding. Information about setting up and administering ABLE accounts will be shared.


    • Jane Skelton, Esq., Maine Elder Law Firm
    • Kathy Adams, OTL, ATP, Director, Maine CITE.

Use this link to view the webinar: Building Your Finances and Independence with ABLE Accounts

Webinar: Family Guide to Assistive Technology and Accessible Education Materials

Recorded: June 23, 2020Students using Assistive Technology – The Maine CITE Program staff will update families on Assistive Technology (AT) and Accessible Educational Materials (AEM). We all use technology to improve our lives. AT and AEM support students in learning, living independently, and transitioning into adulthood. Along with an opportunity for questions, this live web session will update families with the latest information on AT and AEM and the importance of the family’s role in planning. The revised 2020 Guide for Maine Families on AT and AEM will be featured.

Participants will:

    • Learn about AT and AEM in the program planning process.
    • Learn about AT and AEM devices, resources, and funding in Maine.
    • Discuss the importance of AT and AEM in Transition


    • Kathy Adams OTL, ATP
    • John Brandt

Use this link to view the webinar: Family Guide to Assistive Technology and Accessible Educational Materials

Webinar: The Essentials of Accessibility: School and Community Gardens

Raised bed in organic gardenRecorded: June 16, 2020 – This presentation discusses planning for school and community gardens for all users including those of all ages and abilities. Information will discuss how to go beyond the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards including design concepts that make a space diverse, welcoming, and comfortable for all. The presentation includes concepts on making the garden an enjoyable destination, creating opportunities for social connections, and a place that users will return to again and again. Assistive technology in the form of adaptive garden tools and products will be featured.


    • Ketra S. Crosson, OTR/L
    • Jill S. Johanning, AIA

Use this link to view the webinar: The Essentials of Accessibility: School and Community Gardens…

Revised: 5/23/2024