Low-tech and High-tech AT for Vision Loss

Program Description

Hand on Braille sign

Recorded: February 29, 2024 – Join us as we take a deeper dive into the world of assistive technology to support people with blindness or low vision. Experience live demonstrations of devices we have chosen from our lending program. We will show you simple solutions like the PenFriend and Talking Wand, and some high-tech devices like Braille displays and video magnifiers. 

We will explain how to use our AT4Maine.org library to find and sign out devices. Often, there is more than one device that fits your needs, and our free lending program lets you test them out before making final decisions.  

Part 1 of this webinar was presented on October 5, 2023, and can be found on our Training webpage: How Assistive Technology Can Support People with Blindness or Low Vision


Sharisse Roberts, Rehabilitation Consultant – Sharisse has been working in the field of disabilities since 2000. She has an undergraduate degree in Therapeutic Recreation and a graduate degree in Orientation and Mobility. She has been working for the State of Maine, Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired as a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) since 2015. As a Statewide Rehabilitation Consultant, she assists and guides people in employment, business engagement, technology, accommodations, and navigation. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with others by providing trainings and presentations throughout Maine and nationally.

Leilani Carlson, Maine CITE Assistive Technology Specialist – Leilani joined the state assistive technology program, Maine CITE, in July 2022. For ten years, she provided education, resource information, and direct assistance to agricultural workers with disabilities or chronic illnesses as the Maine AgrAbility Project Coordinator. Before working in disability services, she worked in the environmental engineering and consulting industry for more than 15 years.


The live webinar was presented with two cameras. Due to a technical issue, only one screen was recorded – the one featuring the speaker rather than the camera capturing the Assistive Technology devices being presented. To use the valuable audio recording portion, we have inserted still images of the corresponding PPT slides or AT devices throughout the recording.

Please note that a certificate of attendance is not provided for watching the recorded webinar. To receive a certificate of attendance you must have attended the live training, completed the evaluation, and included your email address.

Resources discussed in webinar:
Low-tech and High-tech AT for Vision Loss PowerPoint – PDF

Rev: 3/19/2024